HumaniTerra sends between four and eight teams for care missions to the islands of Koh Kong: reconstructive, orthopedic and pediatric surgery, ophthalmology, odontostomatology, ENT, obstetrics and gynecology, and dermatology. Every year, more than 500 underprivileged patients suffering from various pathologies such as cleft lips, craniofacial abnormalities, congenital malformations of the hand, stomach or perineum, clubfeet, cataracts, skin tumors, burn sequelae and hernias are cared for by HumaniTerra’s medical teams.
HTI has already trained twelve Cambodian hospital executives and medical personnel from the Koh-Kong Hospital in France and in Cambodia, specifically reconstructive surgeons and intensive care anesthetists. HumaniTerra provides equipment support to the Koh Kong province hospital: installation of a new dental office, anesthesia and intensive care departments and ophthalmology department, and renovation of the operating theaters. The equipment installed is selected according to local maintenance capabilities.